How do you feed 18 hungry people 3 times a day when you have a tiny fridge, a stove that rocks every time the RV makes a turn, and have to include enough carbs to fuel 4 people racing cross country? We still don't know, but Laurel and I are slowing figuring it out. We've been spending a lot of time the past week working and reworking menu plans that can accommodate an endless list of restrictions. Hopefully we'll have it figure out by Wednesday when we launch cross-country. Feel free to leave suggestions!!
Hi Julie!/Food suggestions by: Emily - 06/10/2008 11:53 AM
Hi Julie!
Boxed couscous - delicious (comes with herb pack), full of carbs, super easy to make (like boil water, dump in the cous cous, turn off water, and let it sit for a few ins), and versatile (you can add a million different veggies, etc. if you want to make it more interesting - Paul and I often make a Greek cous cous w/ feta, cucumber and tomatos)
And you can never go wrong w/ breakfast meat :)
Feeding Everyone by: Chad - 06/10/2008 01:42 PM
interesting by: Julie - 06/11/2008 12:20 AM
Mmmm, bacon...
We're calling the vegimite "ketchup"...we'll think it'll fool 'em.
Post More by: Sora - 06/11/2008 11:53 AM
Julie, Post more blog entries!
GO Julies!!! by: Mae Cooper - 06/14/2008 09:00 AM
Hey good luck cookin! Quinoa (which might be hard to find But...) is super healthy and easy to cook (just boild for a bit), It doesn't have tons of taste but i mixes easily with veggies, cheeses, and other stuff kinda like coucous does. Looks like yall are doing awesome! WE miss you!!